大溫哥華聖道堂招聘牧者 ECBC Church Hiring Pastors

Job Description: Pastor

      1. It is understood the role of the Pastors is to equip the Body of Christ. The role of the Body of Christ is to do the work of the ministry.
        “So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.” (Ephesians 4:11-13)
      2. Pastoral Staff are accountable to God while honoring our Lord Jesus Christ as the Head of the Church. Pastoral Staff are also accountable to the Church Board and will abide by Evangelical Chinese Bible Church [ECBC] Constitutional Bylaws and Policies. 
      3. The position is in the Chinese ministry so applicants must be fluent in Chinese and able to communicate in English.
      4. Must have a calling from God, a love for lost souls, follow the attitude of the Great Shepherd, Lord Jesus, and possess a humble and gentle heart to become a servant to all.
      5. Complete a Master of Divinity degree from an ATS (North America), ATA (Asia), or ECTE (Europe) accredited theological school. With three years of pastoring experience. North American church experience will be a plus.
Key Areas of Responsibilities:
      1. Assist in developing and implementing the overall vision and mission of the church.
      2. Understand ECBC Worship Ministry, including planning and coordination. Participate when needed and may include worship leading; ushering; technical issues; special rallies; observance of ordinances etc.
      3. Prepare and deliver biblically sound and culturally relevant life related messages from God’s word.Be ready to assist in Pulpit Ministry and Teaching Ministry.
      4. Equip the congregation in sharing their faith and in following up with new Christians.
      5. Participate in Discipleship Ministry including leadership development/coaching/mentoring. Take up the responsibilities of recruiting, educating, equipping and empowering volunteers to serve the Lord in different ministries according to their spiritual gifts/passion/personality and talents.
      6. Be involved in the development and growth of Bible Study Life Groups and Fellowships.
      7. Care for the congregation and newcomers through phone calls, social media and visitation. Periodically review the membership list and follow up with absentees. Ensure that ECBC Church Family receive pastoral care, counseling and support.
      8. Develop and implement strategies that will complement the vision of the church for greater impact in our community and around the world.
      9. Study the demography of our surrounding community for the purpose of discerning needs and designing strategic plans for growing the church.
      10. Conduct premarital, vocational, family, bereavement, counseling sessions, etc., as needed.
      11. Participate in officiating ordinances such as Baptism and Communion. Assist in  wedding ceremonies and funeral services.
      12. Meet regularly with the pastor and ministerial staff for planning, evaluating and coordinating the ministries of the church.
      13. Carry out duties assigned to them by either the Senior Pastor or the Board through the Senior Pastor. 


      1. 牧者的職責是裝備基督的身體,而基督的身體的職責是完成事工。
        “他所賜的,有使徒,有先知,有傳福音的,有牧師和教師,為要成全聖徒,各盡其職,建立基督的身體,直等到我們眾人在真道上同歸於一,認識神的兒子,得以長大成人,滿有基督長成的身量。” (以弗所書 4:11-13)
      2. 牧者團隊對神負責,並尊崇我們的主耶穌基督為教會的元首。牧者團隊也向教會董事會負責,並遵守大溫哥華聖道堂(ECBC)的憲法章程和政策。
      3. 這個職位屬於中文事工,因此申請人必須精通中文並能用英語溝通。
      4. 要有神的呼召,熱愛失喪的靈魂,效法大牧人主耶穌的態度,持有謙虛溫柔的心成為眾 人的僕人。
      5. 在擁有ATS、ATA或ECTE認證的神學院完成道學碩士學位,以及擁有三年的牧會經驗(北美教會牧會經驗更佳)。
    1. 協助制定和實施教會的整體異象和使命。
    2. 了解 ECBC 的敬拜事工,包括策劃和協調工作。在需要時參與,並可能包括敬拜帶領、招待、技術支援、特別聚會、聖禮等。
    3. 預備並傳講符合聖經教義、符合文化背景且貼近生活的信息。隨時準備協助講台事工和教導事工。
    4. 裝備會眾,使其能夠分享信仰,並跟進新信徒。
    5. 參與門徒訓練事工,包括領導力發展、輔導和指導。負責招募、培訓、裝備和賦能志願者,使其按照各自的屬靈恩賜、熱情、個性和才能在不同的事工中服事主。
    6. 參與聖經學習小組和團契的建設與發展。
    7. 通過電話、社交媒體和探訪關懷會眾及新來者。定期審查會員名單,並跟進缺席者。確保 ECBC 教會家庭得到牧養、輔導和支持。
    8. 制定和實施符合教會異象的策略,以更大地影響社區及世界。
    9. 研究周邊社區的人口統計,以識別需求,並制定擴展教會的戰略計劃。
    10. 根據需要,進行婚前、職業、家庭、喪親等輔導。
    11. 參與主持聖禮,如洗禮和聖餐。協助婚禮和葬禮儀式。
    12. 定期與牧者和事工團隊會面,規劃、評估和協調教會事工。
    13. 執行由主任牧師或通過主任牧師由董事會指派的職責。

To apply for the position, please use the button below to submit your resume 請申請人用以下按鍵遞交您的履歷表。